Wage is mobile strategy game developed by Xsauce Inc. Players create a virtual portfolio that consists of 3 assets that compete head-to-head against another user for a day known as a match. The portfolio with the higher percentage growth at the end of the match is the winner. During the match players can deploy perks to give their portfolio an edge. Wage combines elements of alternative assets, collectible card games, finance, and sports betting. It features a ranking system, tournaments, and a turf functionality where players can join forces with others.

How We Do This?

We facilitate matches through our strategic data partners. When a player selects their 3 assets, we fetch the current prices and mark it down as their starting portfolio value. We do the same at the end of the game to resolve who won the match. At anytime a player can check the score of the game which will show the current value of their portfolio.

🎲 Game Modes

Players can select from the game modes below when playing on the Wage app. Once a game mode is selected, the user will be put in a lobby to search for another user in their rank tier. If a match is found, a new game will be started amongst the 2 users.

Wager Match

Wager matches are for players who want to play for cash against other players

Custom Match

A custom match where players create a custom wager (can be 0), set the duration and elect if they want to have perks influence the game or not

Game Rules

  1. Each game last 24 hours day. If the market is closed, the game will start on the next trading day.
  2. Each player selects 3 assets from the class they want to play. Classes are classifications of financial assets. The three available at launch are crypto, stocks, or commodities.
  3. Players are required to select assets prior to forfeit timer expiring. The forfeit timer is 3 minutes after finding a match.
    1. In the event that all users have not selected assets upon timer expiration, the users who were not ready will receive an experience point deduction.
    2. Any money wagered on the particular match is returned to the players
  4. Which ever player’s portfolio out performs their counterpart’s at the end of the match’s duration wins the match.
    1. Performance is determined by the percentage gain on all selected assets for the particular match.
    2. Precision to determine winner is 3 decimal places
    3. In the event that players chose the exact same assets and there is a tie, the player who is the lower rank is the winner. In the event that players tie and they did not select the same assets then a simplified risk adjusted returns formula will be used to determine a winner. In essence, whoever made the most gains with the lower overall portfolio value


Perks can be used throughout a match to alter the game environment to make for an exciting but gut wrenching emotional experience. Especially when there is big money on the line.